All posts by admin

The World is a Reflection

The world is a reflection of all that we hold within ourselves. Our fears and doubts are manifested into reality in the people and circumstances of our lives. The opposite is also true. When we feel love and appreciation, we are showered with abundance and support from the universe. This is especially true in relationships.

For example, my relationship with my husband allows me to come face to face with all that I hold and carry in myself – the fears, the doubt, the insecurities and the struggles. He is the physical manifestation of all that I am and all that I have to learn and become. I have a choice in every moment to choose love or choose resistance. In this and all other relationships, the imperfections we see in others are a reflection of the burdens we carry within ourselves. When my husband and I are in complete alignment, our love and intentions are magnified. I know that when I change, my relationships will change. My husband is the embodiment of all that I am in this moment.

Focus on what you want and not on what you don’t want because the world is as we are.

What if the world is only a reflection of all that we hold within?

What do you love and appreciate about yourself? (Remember you are one of the greatest miracles in the universe!)

What can you begin to let go of?



You Are Loved

We’ve all been judged for something outside of our control – for the way we look, how we dress, where we live – the list can go on and on. This judgement from others can slowly eat away at us and we can begin to question who we are. Are we worthy, are we loveable, are we enough? We all carry different burdens but we all long deeply for the same thing – to be unconditionally loved and accepted for who we are.

Having children has allowed me to experience that feeling of unconditional love. But it is only a fraction of the love that the universe has for us all. I have been blessed to have experienced this universal love twice. It is an overwhelming feeling that cannot be contained in our human bodies. It is so intense that it seems to almost overflow. Often when I receive downloads from the universe, I am brought to tears, not tears of sadness but because this love touches me so deeply and profoundly.

We are already unconditionally loved and accepted by the Creator. We often look desperately outside of ourselves for love and for the void of loneliness to be filled. But the loneliness and emptiness we feel is when we become disconnected from the Creator and the essence of who we truly are – which is love itself. It is the longing to be reconnected and reunited. The secret is letting go of what separates us from our true eternal self. It is not a void that is filled by surrounding ourselves with people or seeking the acceptance of others. People cannot complete us. The greatest gift we can give ourselves is self-love.

What if you were unconditionally loved and accepted?

What if you were love itself?