Perfect: A Path to Love, Forgiveness & Transformation

#1 Best Seller & Winner of Over 12 Literary Awards

“Her story of harnessing her own fears may embolden others to live more bravely, and embrace love, fun, and joy. An insightful spiritual self-help book.”
Kirkus Reviews

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Perfect by Judi Miller

All her life, Judi was plagued by feelings of fear, of not fitting in, and of not being enough. Facing a crisis of purpose, she embarks on a transformational journey of self-discovery and uncovers a shocking past-life connection to someone close to her.

She learns to open her heart, release her stories, and understand forgiveness in a whole new way.

This compelling and relatable narrative includes reflections and exercises to help you open your own heart and access forgiveness, even for the most painful acts. You’ll come away with a profound understanding that despite—or perhaps because of—our perceived flaws and mistakes, we can all experience the world as it really is: Perfect.


Albert Einstein once said, “The most important decision we can make is whether we believe we live in a friendly universe.” Through my years of work in the field of happiness, I’ve found that people who are deeply happy always answer yes to having made that decision—even when life is challenging. They believe that they live in a benevolent universe that is supporting their highest good. Judi Miller is one of those people.

Judi’s perspective on life is that everything is happening exactly as it should be and that each experience we have is a lesson and opportunity to grow in joy and authentic expression. As she often says, “Everything is unfolding perfectly—we can truly never get it wrong.” What a wonderful way to interpret and experience life!


"Perfect is a powerful and engaging story that invites readers to embrace their true greatness as they let go of limiting thoughts that no longer serve them. As readers take this journey with Judi Miller, they witness how fear can be transformed into love. Judi masterfully shows us that we live in a loving and supportive Universe and that the path to happiness begins with opening our hearts and trusting the divine guidance that lives within us all. This is a must read."
Sonia Choquette
New York Times best-selling author of The Answer is Simple
"Now more than ever is the time for us to awaken to the truth of who we are and what we are actually capable of creating with our lives here on earth. In her profound work Perfect, Judi Miller has tapped into what matters most and presented it in a manner that everyone can easily receive and awaken through. Judi shows us skillfully that our life experience is a projected illusion and that we can actually shape shift our reality with the tools of forgiveness and self-liberation. Most importantly, she shows us how. This is a must read for anyone who wants to transform their life and awaken to their true creatorship."
Dr. Sue Morter
Founder of Morter Institute for Bio-Energetics and #1 Los Angeles Times best-selling author of The Energy Codes
"Perfect is a book that will open your eyes to a realm of new possibilities. By embracing these simple yet profound concepts, you are invited to a whole new way of living where a path filled with more possibility, passion and joy awaits you. It doesn't get any better than that!"
Janet Bray Attwood
New York Times best-selling author of The Passion Test
"In Perfect, Judi Miller masterfully brings us along on her journey from an accounting professional with an inexplicable fear of the dark to a profoundly enlightened human with direct experiences of the perfection of the Universe. With her exquisite prose, Miller manages to touch us deeply while giving us insights as to why we are here on earth and how we can heal generations by opening our hearts."
Debra Poneman
Founder and President, Yes to Success, Inc.
"This is an amazing story of a woman’s journey of ultimate forgiveness and letting go. While Judi Miller’s story is specific to her, it holds many lessons for us all. We can all be open to the evolvement of the soul through deep discovery and the willingness to listen to our intuition that delivers us signs all the time. Judi bravely listened and acted on her intuition resulting in her healing and ultimate freedom. God Bless Judi for sharing her story and the healing she experienced. She serves as an example for us to explore our own wounds and stories and find forgiveness."
Lisa Garr
Host of The Aware Show
"An honest and raw account of a woman's journey into forgiveness through self-empowerment. Judi's relatable treatise inspires anyone who is ready for true transformation and is willing to move from shadow into light. Spoiler alert: Truth wins out…"
John Newton
Ancestral Clearing & Founder of Health Beyond Belief
"Perfect, is a must read for anyone struggling to fit in and who is plagued by fear. This book illustrates the importance of facing our fears, trusting in the uncertainty of life, while surrendering to our intuition to heal. In Perfect, Judi Miller courageously shares her story of how she miraculously healed a trauma that was passed down through her lineage. This book is a reminder that miracles can and do happen when we are willing to forgive and love all that is. Perfect beautifully portrays how love and forgiveness are the essential ingredients to heal and thrive in life!
Jennifer Kauffman
Executive Producer of Emmy award-winning documentary A New Leash on Life
"This beautiful book will open your heart and mind, leaving you full of wonder, hope, and possibility. A who’s who among the top energetic and spiritual leaders of our time, this story teaches us that deep and lasting forgiveness is truly possible no matter the circumstance. Thank you, Judi Miller, for your bravery and willingness to write and share this profound and deeply enlightening story."
Kasey Mathews
Award winning author of Preemie and A Mom’s Guide to Creating a Magical Life
"This is one woman’s incredible journey of healing and transformation. Judi Miller seamlessly weaves some of life’s greatest truths into this compelling story of ultimate forgiveness. She provides readers with the tools and inspiration to embark on their own adventure of self-discovery where greater fulfillment, happiness and joy is in store. This is essential reading for those who want to learn to let go and experience greater peace in their lives."
Suzanne Lawlor
Master Coach, Your Year of Miracles
Perfect by Judi Miller

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