We know that through our DNA we can inherit many traits from our parents—the color of our hair, the shape of our nose, and so many other physical characteristics. However, the science of epigenetics tells us that we can also inherit the pain and trauma experienced by our parents and our ancestors.
Studies with Holocaust survivors have shown that the pain and the terror experienced by these survivors can be passed down to their offspring.
In a recent experiment, mice would be exposed to the scent of cherry blossoms and then gently zapped on the foot. As you can image, after a while, just the scent of cherry blossoms would trigger that same fear in the mice even though they were not being zapped. What I find more amazing from these studies is that the mice’s offspring would experience the same terror in their bodies even though they were only exposed to the scent of the cherry blossoms—they had never been zapped. Even more amazing was the mice’s offspring’s offspring demonstrated similar results.
Scientists also believe that female babies are born with 2–3 million of their reproductive eggs at birth. On a cellular level, you may have been present in your mother’s body as an unborn egg—experiencing the very same triumphs and traumas that she had.
If everything in life is energy, it doesn’t seem so unimaginable that we could tune into and pick-up on the same energetic frequencies our parents or ancestors may have experienced.
Being open to these concepts can help us release the fears and tendencies that we may have inherited.
As we think about these tendencies in our lives, where do we notice the contractions or sensations in our bodies? Gently imagine yourself breathing into that area. This will help create a spaciousness for the contracted energy to begin to dissolve.
When was the first time you experienced these sensations? What was stressful in that moment and what were you saying to yourself? Give that younger version of yourself finally a voice to be heard. What was that younger version of yourself in need of? Can you imagine yourself giving the younger you what you needed?
You can also perform a forgiveness prayer or ritual to help you dissolve the negative energy.
It is time to break the cycle.