As the pandemic continues to rage, the Universe has physically and literally invited us home.
I believe the loneliness and emptiness is not when we are isolated from each other but when we become disconnected from the essence of who we truly are – which is love itself. We do not have to look outside ourselves for someone or something to complete us. Anytime we can take a minute to connect with ourselves, it brings us closer to re-discovering the truth of who we are. That’s why self-love and self-care are so critical now more than ever. Do not abandon yourself – make sure you are taking care of yourself spiritually, emotionally and physically.
Excerpts from my new book, Perfect:
We can always return home. We can always return to the divine being of who we are and the greatness that lives within each of us. We can always go home by accepting who we are, loving who we are. All we have to do is remember who we truly are. So many of us have forgotten. The remembering—it’s joyful. The joy…it’s in the reunion, in the realization of who we are.
When you love yourself more deeply, you will have more love to share with others.
What can you do to take care of yourself spiritually, emotionally and physically?